GAIA - Ask the Body's Intelligence (What am I allergic to?)

In the video, Regina Meredith explains that in order to eliminate the influence of the "logical mind" and "self-suggestion" factor, she dowses without seeing the chart (sources of allergy). She has observed that the body intelligence confirms past diagnoses she had forgotten about, such as SARS (during her dowsing for Covid symptoms), and even "water".

Jean Slatter explains that in self-diagnosing the allergy source, one should begin with the broad perspective of the "imbalance of the mind and the body". If this is confirmed, then it could be one of the following three sources:

Sensitivity: reduce the frequency of contact with it.

Intolerance: acknowledge its existence and seek understanding.

Allergy: demonstrate to the body that it is 'safe' to be near to the frequency of the source (see Bio-Energetics, BIE).

The key is to prevent the logical mind from interfering with the body intelligence during dowsing.

GHN adds that an alternative method to ask the body intelligence, other than dowsing as illustrated in this video, is to use muscle testing . This involves asking the body to respond to yes/no questions and judging the strength of the muscle response.

Credit and gratitude to GAIA, Open Minds by Regina Meredith

Guest Jean Slatter


GAIA (Healing Story) Identifying the Body's Allergy and Way to Treat It by Jean Slatter


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