GAIA (Healing Story) Identifying the Body's Allergy and Way to Treat It by Jean Slatter
Six Steps to Clear Allergy:
Step 1: Activate the meridians and get it flowing (video demonstration)
Step 2: Take the actual substance of the allergy source (chocolate, pollen, etc), or simply “write down” the source on a piece of paper (“fear of abandonment”)
Step 3: Place the substance, or the paper on the bellybutton
Step 4: With the presence of the allergy source physically or in mind, teach to body that “it is safe” now
Step 5: It is done by stimulating the key meridian points of the body (demonstration by Jean Slatter), while the energy of the body is open and flowing, the body recognize that it is also safe while this allergy source is present.
Step 6: While massaging of the ear and foot, or other acupuncture points chosen, be aware of the thoughts and sensations. In 3-5 minutes, the mind and body would restore to ease, the indicator that the re-programming is complete.
In this case, the lady’s higher guidance suggested the source of allergy was the “drop of barometric pressure and coldness”.
RESULT: After suffering from seasonal depression disorder for twenty years, a complete and permanent healing occurred by teaching the body that “it is safe that there is a drop of pressure and temperature.
The host, Regina Meredith, added that -
allergies may stem from unknown events, including ancestral occurrences along the family tree that can be illogical to both the body and the conscious mind, and therefore, it is important to ensure the logical mind is out of the way while accessing to the body’s intelligence.
More interviews on Jean Slatter on the topic of allergy.
The time stamp on the technique of clearing allergy.