GAIA - Allergy Could Be a Substance, an Event, a Thought...

Anything can be an allergy source, a substance, a thought, or a change of temperature or environmental elements.

An example taken in this video was allergy to money by simply thinking about winning a lottery gets you tensed up, or unconsciously repel to a lucrative job offer.

Allergy could also be emotional or thought based, the “fear of abandonment” could arise in relational issues shown as an over-reaction to a neutral, harmless conversation. It could arise from a past event that was unconsciously registered in the body-mind programming as the body learnt that it is “unsafe” to be in a loving relationship, vice versa.

Credit and gratitude to GAIA, Open Minds by Regina Meredith

Guest Jean Slatter


GAIA - Ask the Body's Intelligence (What am I allergic to?)